Articles,  Disney After 50

Walking the World in Comfort

Shoes and Foot Care for Disney Parks

My past searches for the perfect shoes to wear at Disney World  always yielded mixed results. 

Turns out that people have different feet and shoe needs when they are walking a gazillion miles on concrete in the heat. Who knew! My favorite shoes and foot care tips for the parks may not work for everyone, but I KNOW they will help out some folks.

I have super high arches and wide feet.

There. I said it. I also have feet that tend to sweat a lot. This is not a point of pride but I have to be honest about it. Walking many, many miles a day in the parks means that I need something with arch support and sweat/odor absorption.

Unfortunately, I can’t get away with wearing sneakers and no show socks.  I like to wear skirts in the parks and I’m just not young, cute, thin or whatever enough to pull that look off.  Disney after 50, for me, does not lend itself to cute little red converse low tops with a sundress or A-line skirt. I end up looking like a character from 9-5 with a 10 block commute to work from the subway stop. Or a clown. 

As much as I might want to, I  cannot traipse about the parks in thin little flip flops or polka-dotted ballet flats.

I can’t go sockless in adorable leather flats no matter how comfy they are.  I eventually have to take them off and NO ONE wants to spend a minute with those in the hotel room after I have worn them all day.  Yes, I have tried ALL of the “no-show” socks and  have found them to be either “very much show” or “no show slide down into a ball under your foot”. And cute little flip flops? Sure, if I want to be unable to walk for the remainder of my trip. No arch support? No go.

I  like to put together  Disnified outfits for my trips and want my shoes to look stylish and not orthopedic. 

It’s all part of the Disney World  experience for me. There is a lot of picture taking going on and my sister, son and I never pass up PhotoPass opportunities. We’re making memories, people! Some of the best pictures that I have of myself and my kid were taken by those PhotoPass Cast Member miracle workers. Long story short….those shoes need to be cute. 

Finding a shoe that is comfortable, won’t get disgusting after wearing it to death AND looks cute is not an easy task.

Below are the tried and true Park-Hop-‘til-you-drop tested purchases that have helped me to make it through without blisters, tendinitis or ankle turns while still looking stylish.

(Disclaimer: There are some affiliate links here that could send some blog supporting money my way at no cost to you. HOWEVER, I personally use every one of these products on my Disney World trips.)

The Shoe Situation

We often spend most of the day and evening in the parks so my shoes have to be in it for the long haul.  I recommend bringing at least 2 pairs of shoes MINIMUM so that you can switch out shoes every day. It’s better to not have the same shoes rub on the same places day after day. Mixing it up helps. 

Birkenstock Gizeh Sandals are a revelation.

I have the regular expensive (but so worth it) leather and cork numbers as well as the rain, pool and water ride friendly EVA version.

These guys are work horses and have never given me a blister. No matter how much I wear them or sweat in them THEY NEVER STINK. I have no idea how this miracle occurs and I don’t care.  These are perfection, come in a variety of colors and last forever. However, two important points about Birks:

    1. You MUST wear these before you go. If you have never worn this type of shoe, ease into it. Wear them around the house for a couple of hours each day to get used to how they fit. They do have robust arch support that takes time to get used to. However, with a little wear they will  break in and mold to your foot.  Do this BEFORE you try to wear them all day in the parks. This is actually good advice for any shoes. 
  1. Do not wear them in the rain or on rides where you can get them really wet. A little splash on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride won’t hurt them but Kali River Rapids might be a problem. The cork bed gets funky when wet and it’s best to avoid that if possible. 

The EVA version of the Gizeh works great as well. They are like Crocs but with more support and they can be wiped off if they get stinky or dirty. They are impervious to rain and drenching water rides. These also come in a variety of colors and are MUCH cheaper than the leather/cork version. They don’t offer as much support as their counterparts and they can get a little sweaty/slippery (like Crocs do), but they have worked very well for me in the parks.

Bernie Mev stretchy shoes are AWESOME.

Any of  Bernie Mev’s wonderful styles, barring the wedges, would be perfect in the park but I prefer their Mary Jane styles

The Cuddly, and Comfi Mary Jane styles are both great, but my go-to choice is the  Gummie Mary Jane. They have a little more bounce to them while the other styles can feel a little closer to the ground and seem to have less cushion because of that.   These are great for wide feet since they are made out of a stretchable elastic material. However, one issue with that is foot swelling. After a long day in the parks in the Florida sun, your feet are going to swell. I have noticed at the end of a long day and night in the parks that my feet do swell and sometimes get a little puffy looking in these shoes. It’s not a deal breaker for me, but thought I should mention it. I wear these in the parks a lot.

The Stinky Feet Situation

I’m sure that it’s not ladylike to admit that this is an issue for me. I’m getting real here because I have FINALLY found a solution for going sockless without ruining my shoes. To prevent my Bernie Mev Mary Janes or any other closed shoes from getting stinky, I get these wonderful Pedag inserts. These are truly awesome. I bring a couple of pairs with me and they last the trip without having to be washed BUT you can wash and air dry them in your resort room if needed.  At home, I throw them in the washing machine and then air dry. They usually last me all summer and I get a couple of new pairs for vacations or at the start of summer sockless season. They are soft and thin enough to fit comfortably inside my shoes. 

The Blister Situation

Even the tried and true shoes that you THINK will work for you as you troop around the parks may still rub with all of the walking and heat. You want to make sure that ALL of the parts of the shoe that can rub don’t cause too much friction. I always bring Band-Aid Friction Stick or Body Glide and apply before I put shoes on. I carry it with me in my park bag as well and reapply if needed throughout the day.

I use it on my heels and the top of my feet where the elastic Mary Jane strap is tightest on my Bernie Mevs. Works like a charm. The Body Glide also works well if the inseam of your shorts chafes your thighs or where anything chafes any part of you. Things chafe at Disney World, people. Just believe it. 

The main goal is to PREVENT getting blisters.  Blisters can be game changers at Disney World (side eye to my sister) so do anything that you can to not get them in the first place. IF YOU DO, these bandages  can help. They can also be used if you THINK you might be getting one or you notice a sore spot at the end of the day. They tend to stay on for a day or two even if they get wet. 

The Tired Feet Situation

A dip or soak in the resort pool is super helpful to soothe and relax your feet and sore muscles. I also like to give my feet a brief bit of TLC before going to bed. I swear by this lotion  in general and use it rather than straight aloe for sunburns, but it is also great for giving your feet a little massage after your shower and before you tuck into bed at night. The combination of the scent and the cooling effect of aloe helps to soothe my tired feet. It relaxes them enough for the next day of stomping around the parks. Plus, it’s a great lotion if you have boo white baby skin that was just exposed to the Floridian sun. Florida has a completely different sun than the rest of the United States. Trust me.

The Exercise Situation

START WALKING NOW. This is the best advice regarding your feet (knees, back and EVERY part of you that moves). The amount of walking that you will do at Disney World is no joke, people. It truly is 10+ miles a day for potentially multiple days in a row. In the Florida sun and heat. On concrete.

Start ramping up your daily steps before the trip. I suggest getting your kids to do this with you as well, particularly if they are older and NOT going to be in a stroller. Take a walk after dinner every evening. Just get moving. If you are generally sedentary this is even more important. A stress related injury can be a vacation killer. No one wants to walk around in pain.  No one else wants to walk around with you limping everywhere or wait for you  while you are bench riding your way through the parks.

I use upcoming trips to lose weight and get into better shape. Whatever works, right?  Every year we go I’m a little bit healthier and leaner. It’s a great motivator.

Know Your Limits!

Don’t try to push yourself to hard. I am often guilty of pushing past my limits or my sister and son’s limits to check things off our trip to-do list. I’ve been there. Just know that if your feet (or back, or knees or ENTIRE BODY) are telling you to sit down, take a break and people watch, DO IT. You don’t want a blister or stress related injury to squash your vacation fun.

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