Extended Evening Theme Park Hours

Updated 1/28/2024
What are Extended Evening Theme Park Hours?
Select guests can stay at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom and Epcot on select nights for 2 hours after posted park closing. For example, if the official park hours for Magic Kingdom are 9am-10pm, eligible guests can stay, eat, shop and ride attractions until midnight.
Who is eligible for Extended Evening Theme Park Hours?
ONLY guests of Disney DELUXE resort hotels and other select hotels are eligible. Check here for an up to date list of participating resorts/hotels.
So, everything stays open during these extended hours?
This is the kicker. Not all attractions and food locations are open during Extended Evening Theme Park hours. For an updated list of which attractions are check this out.
Do I get any other perks with Extended Theme Park hours?
Yep. Guests eligible for extended theme park hours are also eligible for the 6 pm virtual queue drop for Epcot’s Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind and Magic Kingdom’s Tron Lightcycle/Run. Check out how this works here.
Okay. But are Extended Theme Park hours really worth it?
What used to be a perk for all Disney World Resort guests is no longer available at the value or moderate resort level. It’s not cool Disney.
That being said, the old evening Extra Magic Hours were a favorite here at Dustless Pixie. It’s great for wandering around and hopping on rides with relative ease. This is particularly useful at Magic Kingdom. Even if folks flock to the park thinking that they will stay for the extra 2 hours, a good portion of them will be heading out after the fireworks. Those of you with older kids or night owls, may want to take advantage of this. The parks have an entirely different look and feel at night. Some of the rides are actually BETTER in the dark.
Wait. Didn’t I hear something about early extra hours also?
You did. Sadly it’s 30 minutes and not hours, but it is available for ALL Disney World resorts guests and not just deluxe level. The old morning Extra Magic Hour has been replaced as well. Check out our information on Early Theme Park Entry.